GuideWell Innovation Center: Shaping the Future of Health

By Chris Hillier, Innovation Senior Director at GuideWell

To be sustainable, the healthcare industry needs to lower costs and improve the effectiveness of care while recognizing that empowered consumers are demanding new solutions to manage their health. The GuideWell Innovation Center, opening in January, 2016 in Medical City, Lake Nona, Florida, is expected be a global epicenter for responding to these challenges.

Serving as the central location-of-choice for partners and collaborators who share our mission to help people and communities achieve better health, we invite you to join us in this pursuit. Anchoring the center is our 30,000 sq.ft. purpose-built GuideWell Innovation CoRE (Collaborative Resources Ecosystem), utilizing state-of-the art facilities and the world’s fastest internet speeds to attract a growing network of companies, academic institutions, entrepreneurs and public institutions. Proximity to Orlando International Airport and Lake Nona’s expanding medical research and education community that includes the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, the University of Central Florida’s Health Science Campus, the VA Medical Center, Nemours Children’s Hospital, and the University of Florida’s Academic and Research Center adds to the attractiveness of joining us at GuideWell Innovation CoRE.

Seven Centers of Excellence

Concentrating on key Centers of Excellence, thought-leaders from around the globe will converge to address current state issues, evaluate emerging trends, and find the new solutions that will radically transform and reshape our industry. Critical content domains include:

Center for Advanced Care Delivery, which examines unique service models of care along with next generation care capabilities like HIE empowered care models, next generation sequencing, personalized medicine, and medical animation/simulation.

Center for Next Generation Consumer Engagement, which advances leading edge solutions for engaging consumers through social, local and mobile to manage their health and their personal health ecosystem by leveraging advanced consumer analytics, behavioral motivation theory, and social affinity connectivity

Center for Digital Health and Remote Management, which focuses on advancing new solutions in digital and remote management through the continuum of collaborative programs of research, prototyping and startups into commercialized opportunities for scale. Domains include wearables and invisible devices, sensors, intelligent homes and intelligent communities, digital therapeutics and digital health commerce.

Center for Health Care Financing, which analyzes key components of value and risk in healthcare and evaluates new models for risk-based financing and payment.

Center for Computational Health, which Advances machine learning and predictive health analytics across the aggregation of complex datasets such as real-time claims and clinical data, and consumer analytic databases to improve outcomes.

Center for Wellbeing & Human Performance, focusing on the optimization of human capabilities through the promotion of wellbeing and human performance within the domains of nutrition, sports, prevention, home health, and workplace wellness.

Center for Legislative and Regulated Processes, focusing on healthcare reform, Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance, FDA, HHS, CMS, NIH, data regulations and EHRs.

From these centers, we will identify market changing solutions and new innovations needing to be designed, prototyped, and commercialized. GuideWell Innovation will provide the supporting infrastructure, business expertise and development pathway to get these solutions to market. We will bring entrepreneurs and thought leaders together to facilitate and accelerate the transformation of new ideas to useful products.

Our Sponsorship Opportunities

To join our movement in re-imagining health, we invite you to consider a role as a strategic partner; as a sponsor of a specific Center of Excellence; or as an academic thought leader in research or executive education. We would be delighted to provide further information on our exciting new building and the numerous benefits contained in GuideWell Innovation CoRE that will be available to partners including our:

  • GuideWell Innovation Theater, a unique venue for exclusive events.
  • Public Gallery showcasing the latest health solutions from around the world.
  • Living Lab, a purpose-built space encouraging active public participation in market research.
  • State-of-the-art Prototype & Design Laboratory utilizing 3D printing and scanning and the latest software creation technologies for new applications and modeling.
  • Nutrition Lab, an innovative new twist on the art of eating and drinking where education, research and technology combine to create a tasty engaging experience.
  • A integrative incubator and accelerator providing the best new companies in the health space with office space, conference rooms and a range of other collaborative spaces encouraging idea generation, collaboration and creating an innovation community built around imaginative thinking.

The future of health is here. Join us at GuideWell Innovation CoRE by emailing us at

About the Author

Kate Warnock

Kate is the social media manager for the GuideWell enterprise, and specializes in creating content that connects GuideWell with health influencers in the social space. Find her corporate podcasts on iTunes and follow her on Twitter @mkatewarnock.