President and CEO Pat Geraghty Full Transcript: Our Frontline Team Members are Leading the Way

We continue to see a steady increase in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations across the country. So far, more than 44 million people have received at least one dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Among the first phase of people receiving the vaccination are frontline health care workers. While supplies are still very limited – even to this population – many of our own GuideWell Health team members have gotten their first shot.

After persistent efforts with the Department of Health, Diagnostic Clinic Medical Group – or DCMG – was able to secure a supply of 60 vials of the vaccine. Those were quickly spoken for by members of the DCMG team, eager to get vaccinated.

I’m heartened to see our GuideWell family leading the way as we work together to end the spread of COVID-19. It’s an important step for these team members as they prepare to play a critical role in distributing vaccinations within their communities.

Morena Budney has been a pulmonary nurse at DCMG for nearly 19 years. She said the shot was like a “little pinch” and she was doing yard work the next day with no problems. Personally, she wanted to get the vaccination to help keep her elderly mother stay safe. She’s also concerned about her patients.

“I work in the pulmonary department, so we have a lot of patients that have lung issues. So, we really do need to have those patients vaccinated and get them on a better path so they don’t get the virus and have anymore issues. It’s going to be great knowing that they’re all safe, too," said Budney.

Loretta Gilbert Wilson was also happy to get the shot to not only protect her family, but to feel more comfortable around patients at the clinic.

“I feel very proud to be working in a place that looks out for the community and our employees. That’s a big plus. I’m glad that they went ahead and did this for us," said Wilson.

So far, about a third of our frontline workers across Florida have had at least one dose. That number will continue to grow as we work to get our teams ready to help vaccinate our communities.

It’s a demonstration of how we are quite literally carrying out our mission of helping people and communities achieve better health.

About the Author

Pat Geraghty