Florida Blue Centers

Pat Geraghty Transcript: Reimagining How We Provide Care and Support

As COVID-19 cases topped 10 million across the country last week, and hospitalizations hit an all-time high, we are hearing some encouraging news.

The drug manufacturer Pfizer has announced that early data indicates its coronavirus vaccine is more than 90% effective. They’re seeking emergency use authorization, which could make the vaccine available to some before the end of the year. And the FDA has issued emergency authorization for an Eli Lilly antibody therapy to treat mild to moderate cases.

That said, there has never been a more important time to make sure we’re doing everything possible to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy. It’s up to us to continue our important work to keep our communities safe – from encouraging healthy habits to helping prevent the flu.

Working from Home Doesn’t Slow Impact of Retail Center Teams

Irene Seidt hadn’t heard from one of her elderly diabetic patients in a while, so she reached out to check on him.

Seidt wanted to tell him that she and others in our retail centers were working from their homes due to COVID-19 concerns. She wanted to see if he was taking the precautions they had talked about. And she wanted him to know that although his wife passed away last year, he was not alone.

The 87-year-old man couldn’t believe Seidt had taken the time to reach out. That a nurse from his insurance company cared enough about him to do that. “I have no one,” he told Seidt. “But the fact that you called me means I have someone.”