health insurance

Pat Geraghty Full Transcript: Increasing Access to Care Through a Special Enrollment Period

Our country is starting to see some positive signs in the fight against COVID-19. There has been a consistent drop in new cases over the past three weeks across the United States. So far, 26 and a half million Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. That means more Americans have been vaccinated than have tested positive for the virus since the first case was reported in January 2020.

But the pandemic continues to cause hardships in communities large and small across our country. Businesses are being forced to lay off employees or even close their doors all together. That’s added thousands of people each month to the growing list of those without health insurance.

CEO Video Message: Pat Geraghty Announces New Health Insurance Solution - Truli for Health

Full Transcript:

Hello, everyone. It's no secret that 2020 is a challenging year in so many ways and for so many people.

Economically, it's been particularly hard on small businesses.

Long before the coronavirus forced businesses across the country to close, we were working to create a new product to help small businesses address affordability.

Nearly 60% of small businesses in Florida don't offer health insurance to their employees, often due to cost.

To answer their need for an affordable, innovative solution, we created Truli for Health, the newest affiliate of Florida Blue.

Truli is our health maintenance organization for HMO designed for small and mid-size employers that officially goes live July 1st.

Keeping Older Adults Connected While Staying Safe at Home

Wendy Weiss knows it’s best to not get too close to her 83-year-old father right now. As COVID-19 cases continue to climb, keeping a safe distance will help older adults like her dad and his wife stay healthy.

So, when Weiss arrived at her father’s home with some chicken soup, she went to the door, set the soup down and walked away. Instead of sharing a hug, they settled for a wave from a distance.

Weiss is a registered nurse and director of care management in the Medicare department at our health insurance subsidiary, the leading health insurance company in Florida. For her, the gesture was about more than the soup. It was a way to check in with the couple. A way to let them know they’re not alone in these uncertain times.

How to Consumer Series: Making the Right Offer

With Mark Stryker, GuideWell Connect Chief Financial and Business Development Officer

In year two of the health insurance marketplace, consumers realize they have more options as more carriers enter the market. Yet our own Mark Stryker observed that most were reluctant to rush in and make a selection at the start of 2015’s Open Enrollment. In our second installment of “How to Consumer,” Mark divulges what any marketing executive needs to know to make the right offer to the right consumer target in this highly competitive environment.


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