job seekers

How to Tailor Your Resume to Standout as a Job Candidate

If you’re in the job market, one of the best ways to make your application stand out from others is to tailor your resume.

As a recruiter, I highly suggest you have a master resume, with detail on every position you had over the last 15 years in your field, and then tailor each version to the specific job you are applying for.

You say that takes too much time? Indeed, customizing your resume does take a little more time than just clicking on a job, attaching the same resume, and clicking apply.

However, you can greatly increase your chances of being selected for a video interview, phone interview or face-to-face interview if you have summarized the particular skills and experiences a specific employer indicated was most important.

Here are some tips and recommendations for how to update your resume for a specific job posting.

Step 1: Review the Job Posting