Florida Council of 100 Announces Governor’s Business Leader Winner

John Ramil, chairman of GuideWell’s board of directors was just named the 2020 Governor’s Business Leader of the Year Award!

In coordination with the Governor, the Florida Council of 100 highlights a Florida business leader who has excelled in both the business world and the civic/philanthropic world as a model leader for the state.

The intent of the award is to recognize consistency in stewardship of Florida, involving service over a lengthy period. The award is presented annually by the Governor during the Council’s Fall General Membership Conference, which recently concluded.

Ramil started his career as an entry-level employee while still attending the University of South Florida. He served in various capacities over a 40-year career, rising to CEO of TECO Energy in 2010. He grew the business to a market cap of more than $7 billion, building the largest natural gas distribution business in Florida, as well as serving nearly a million customers in the Tampa Bay area.

Civically and philanthropically, Ramil is also a director of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, past chair of the Tampa Chamber of Commerce, past chair of the American Cancer Society of Tampa, and a leader of a host of other civic organizations.

His biggest impact has been his service to the University of South Florida, where he has served as trustee since his initial appointment by Governor Jeb Bush in 2001 and served as chair from 2010-14.

“The Governor’s Business Award is a prestigious honor reserved for those who perfectly blend business smarts and a philanthropic heart. John Ramil flawlessly exemplifies these criteria,” said Pat Geraghty, president and CEO of Florida Blue and GuideWell. “I have the distinct honor of witnessing John’s exceptional leadership in action as he serves as chairman of GuideWell’s board of directors. His drive, commitment, and passion for his community have a tangible impact on our state.”

About the Florida Council of 100

Formed in 1961, the Florida Council of 100 is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of business, civic, and academic leaders. It exists to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of all Floridians through the relentless pursuit of better, business-driven public policy. For more information about the Florida Council of 100, visit their website.