How a Member Care Specialist Helped a Woman Begin her Breast Cancer Journey

Confused, lost and frightened. That’s how Sckary Hurtado describes a health insurance member who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

One of the woman’s first phone calls following her diagnosis was to her health insurer. Although she had health insurance---she didn’t speak English and wasn’t sure how to navigate the health care system.

Sckary, a member care specialist, was the caring voice on the other end of the line. When the member broke down, Sckary got emotional too. Her role was to help guide this member on her health care journey and that’s just what she did. She provided the member with a list of in-network oncologists, explained how her providers would need to obtain authorizations and let her know who to contact to make sure her prescriptions would be covered.

When the call was over, the member was grateful for the help and better prepared to begin her breast cancer journey.

“You’ve been sent from up above to guide me through this difficult situation,” she told Sckary. “You’ve inspired me and lifted me up during such a difficult moment in my life.”

She also asked Sckary to keep in touch.

Sckary says situations like these are the reasons she loves being a member care specialist. She was hired in 2019 and has helped countless members navigate their health insurance questions. 90% of the calls she takes are from bilingual members.

“Many of them are very lost and don’t understand how health insurance works,” she said. “They’re very grateful when I take extra time to help them understand and to service them and guide them step-by-step through the process.”

Sckary describes herself as a “people person” and says it’s rewarding to help others. She also loves the flexibility that comes with her role. She works nine months out of the year but gets paid for 12. She gets paid time off during the summer to spend time with her three young children.

It’s a schedule that helps her achieve work-life balance.

“Working full time is hard, especially during the summers and this opportunity is perfect,” she said. “I was looking for something with flexibility and this job was like heaven sent.”

In anticipation of open enrollment, the busiest time of year for Sckary and her team, the health insurer is hiring more remote bilingual member care specialists.

Serving in this role is a way to help members review their claims history, ensure accuracy of billing, provide customer service and follow-up on issues.

Speaking of following up--- Sckary kept her promise to the member with breast cancer who she first spoke with in March. Recently, she called the member to check up on her and found out some good news. Not only did that member get the covered services she needed but was now “clear of cancer.”

“This is what brings me satisfaction,” said Sckary. “I really love the fact that I’m able to help people and build connections with them.”

If you’re bilingual and are looking for a remote job in a rewarding environment, apply here.

About the Author

Ilyssa Drumm

GuideWell Social Media and Media Relations Consultant