Meet Nellie Coronel, a Bilingual Member Care Specialist

Trying to navigate the complexities of the health care system can be challenging for anyone. But when English is not your native language, trying to find answers to your health insurance questions can be even more difficult.

Nellie Coronel understands this firsthand. Her parents are from Ecuador and sometimes lean on her bilingual skills to help interpret their health-related questions.

“I see them struggle with the language barrier and it can be frustrating for them.”

Helping her own parents is part of what inspired Nellie to become a Bilingual Member Care Specialist at Florida Blue. In her role, she assists members with their billing questions, helps them find in-network providers and directs them where they can go for medical care and lab work.

“I enjoy the fact that I can help them with their claim information or with pharmacy issues and just make their life a little bit easier,” she said.

For those members who primarily speak Spanish, she says she’s able to help them understand health insurance terminology and reduce language barriers.

“If they have questions about whether their medications are covered, we can call our pharmacy vendor together so I can ask questions on their behalf and interpret the answers back to them, she said. “A lot of Spanish-speaking members are just relieved when I can explain their health and pharmacy benefits or their medical bills to them in a way that they understand.”

Nellie says helping people is what she loves most about being a member care specialist. During COVID-19, she has received numerous calls from members who have lost their income and have had concerns about paying bills and premiums.

“I’m able to educate them about how we’re waiving cost-sharing for members and providing reductions in premiums in response to COVID-19,” she said. “Not only are they relieved to hear about the support we’re providing but they love that I can walk them through, step by step, how to register for the rewards program.”

Nellie says the company culture and support are unlike anywhere she has worked. She says she recently lost three family members and needed time away to grieve and be with loved ones.

“My team was there for me, they checked on me and it’s been great having their support,” she said. “They have so much compassion and I’ve never seen that in an employer before.”

As open enrollment approaches this fall, Nellie knows members will continue to have questions. She’s looking forward to helping them, while also helping to mentor any new member care specialists that join the team.

“I had a lot of coworkers train and mentor me and I’m always willing to help others. That’s what makes us a team.”

Member care specialists have a teacher-like schedule where they can work for nine months and take off three months during the summer with full pay and benefits.

If you’re bilingual and looking for a remote job in a rewarding environment, apply here.

About the Author

Ilyssa Drumm

GuideWell Social Media and Media Relations Consultant