It remains of critical importance to maintain vigilance in our response to COVID-19.
As we all work to stop the spread, the most important step is still one of the easiest---wear a mask.
Masks help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto others. This can happen when you sneeze, cough or talk wearing a mask isn't just about keeping you safe. It helps protect our families and neighbors because symptoms often don't appear for several days after infection, a mask can help ensure that you don't spread the virus without knowing.
Our enterprise has launched a get masked campaign to raise awareness across our communities about the importance of masking.
And we're asking all of you, our neighbors and friends to participate---share a photo, video or essay on Instagram or Twitter with the #GetMaskedFL demonstrating why you wear a mask.
Here's my photo with my wife Inger. I wear a mask because as a health care leader, it's my duty to remind everyone of the simple things we can do to flatten the curve, prevent more unnecessary illness and death and reopen our economy.
By working together, we have the power to reduce the spread of the virus and help our communities stay safe and healthy.
Wear your mask.