
President and CEO Pat Geraghty announces mask campaign

The Fall is typically a time when we enjoy Friday night football games, cooler weather and fun after-school activities with the kids. But, we know there has been nothing typical about 2020.

It remains of critical importance to maintain vigilance in our response to COVID-19.

As we all work to stop the spread, the most important step is still one of the easiest---wear a mask.

Masks help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto others. This can happen when you sneeze, cough or talk wearing a mask isn't just about keeping you safe. It helps protect our families and neighbors because symptoms often don't appear for several days after infection, a mask can help ensure that you don't spread the virus without knowing.

Have a Happy, Healthy Independence Day

By: Karen Thompson, Enterprise Communications

The July 4 holiday weekend will probably be different this year for many people. Many fireworks displays and other festive gatherings have been canceled due to a resurgence of COVID-19.

Recent data shows a sharp increase in the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in several areas of the country—including Florida, where the largest numbers of GuideWell team members reside. This surge has led some cities in Florida and other states where we do business to reverse some of the previous reopening actions and mandate face masks.

If you’re still planning to get out and be active, please take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Face Masks

It’s important to be aware of the requirements for face masks in your area and abide by any mandates. This week, Jacksonville joined a growing number of cities in Florida and other states to mandate that face masks be worn while in public spaces.

Full Transcript: Pat Geraghty Announces PPE Assistance for Providers, Hospitals

Our mission of helping people and communities achieve better health goes far beyond providing affordable, high quality health insurance.

For us, as a health solutions enterprise, it means finding innovative ways to ensure that our employees, members, neighbors and communities are safe and healthy. And there's been no more important time to do this than right now.

Throughout the course of this pandemic, we've heard a great deal about the shortage of personal protective equipment, or PPE. I'm proud to share that we are playing a role in helping to address this issue.