GuideWell Connect and Onlife Health (Onlife) each recently received a three-year accreditation with the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). This was the first year that GuideWell Connect applied for the designation. Onlife has maintained its accreditation by NCQA since 2009. NCQA Accreditation involves a rigorous review of the key functions wellness and health promotion (WHP) organizations perform. The review focuses on areas of interest to consumers and employers. This includes how wellness programs are implemented in the workplace, how services such as health coaching are...

September 22, 2020 NCQA, quality

Guiding members on the next right thing to do in their health care journey…That’s the goal at Onlife Health, one of GuideWell’s consumer-engagement businesses, providing health and wellness solutions to 13 million health plan members across 13 states through their user-friendly engagement platform.The health and wellness company, which serves health plans and employers across the country, is committed to delivering a personalized wellness program to help members achieve their personal health goals.But Onlife Health acknowledges...


The Fall is typically a time when we enjoy Friday night football games, cooler weather and fun after-school activities with the kids. But, we know there has been nothing typical about 2020. It remains of critical importance to maintain vigilance in our response to COVID-19. As we all work to stop the spread, the most important step is still one of the easiest---wear a mask. Masks help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto others. This can happen when you sneeze, cough or talk wearing a mask isn't just about keeping you safe. It helps protect our families and...

September 4, 2020 masks, COVID19, Coronavirus, Pat Geraghty

Author: Sonya Ferris, Enterprise Communications She grew up with an outstanding role model: a physician father utterly devoted to serving his patients, with an equally impressive command of his subject matter. From watching his example, Elana Schrader, M.D., Senior Vice President, Health Care Services and President, GuideWell Health, realized at a young age that fulfillment comes from serving others—and knowledge creates the opportunity to do so. She’s been living by that motto ever since. In her current role at GuideWell, Elana leads the health care delivery business for the...

August 24, 2020 Elana Schrader, M.D, GuideWell Health

Welcoming a new baby can be a special time in a parent’s life. It can also be overwhelming when things don’t go according to plan. That’s what happened to Dion Moffett. His daughter was born three months early, weighing one pound and five ounces. Fortunately, his baby girl beat the odds, but she required a three-month hospitalization that left Dion’s family with a $500,000 medical bill. Dion thought his daughter’s medical care was covered under health insurance. Turns out, his family didn’t have health insurance. Dion says he mistakenly purchased a...

Melanie Image

GuideWell Connect is currently hiring licensed health insurance agents to assist with the upcoming Annual Election Period. We sat down with Melanie McCloud, a licensed health insurance agent from GuideWell Connect, to hear firsthand why she finds her role as a health insurance agent rewarding. How did you become a licensed health insurance agent? I love the health care field and wanted to become a nurse. After going to nursing school, I got a job at a hospital but had difficulty with some of the physical demands during my clinicals. I wanted to find another role in the health care field...

August 17, 2020

Trying to navigate the complexities of the health care system can be challenging for anyone. But when English is not your native language, trying to find answers to your health insurance questions can be even more difficult. Nellie Coronel understands this firsthand. Her parents are from Ecuador and sometimes lean on her bilingual skills to help interpret their health-related questions. “I see them struggle with the language barrier and it can be frustrating for them.” Helping her own parents is part of what inspired Nellie to become a Bilingual Member Care Specialist at...


Confused, lost and frightened. That’s how Sckary Hurtado describes a health insurance member who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. One of the woman’s first phone calls following her diagnosis was to her health insurer. Although she had health insurance---she didn’t speak English and wasn’t sure how to navigate the health care system. Sckary, a member care specialist, was the caring voice on the other end of the line. When the member broke down, Sckary got emotional too. Her role was to help guide this member on her health care journey and that’s just...


Author: Sonya Ferris, Enterprise Communications It was 10:00am on a Monday when Kida Tisdale, RN Case Manager, called to check on her patient Byron*. The 43-year-old man from Jacksonville was struggling with some serious health challenges. Not only was he diabetic, but he had also been hospitalized twice in recent weeks for other issues and was recovering from major surgery. In her role as a nurse with our health insurer's Place of Delivery care model (PODs), Kida often cares for high-risk patients. The PODs coordinate care for members with chronic conditions, improving the quality and...

July 17, 2020

Full Transcript: Hello, everyone. It's no secret that 2020 is a challenging year in so many ways and for so many people. Economically, it's been particularly hard on small businesses. Long before the coronavirus forced businesses across the country to close, we were working to create a new product to help small businesses address affordability. Nearly 60% of small businesses in Florida don't offer health insurance to their employees, often due to cost. To answer their need for an affordable, innovative solution, we created Truli for Health, the newest affiliate of Florida...

June 30, 2020 health insurance, truli
